Perl vs career
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Permission hierarchy for Trac
How to implement a hierarchical permission tree in the project-management tool Trac.
Unroute a complete PCB in Eagle
Unrouting a complete PCB in Eagle means that all routed tracks on the board are reverted back into so-called ‘airwires’. Airwires are lines that show that there is a connection between 2 points on the board, but that no actual connection is routed yet. Unrouting signals on a board is called ‘ripup’ in Eagle slang.
Extract and count unique items in a list
Excel easily allows to extract a list of unique items and count them. Handy when you have to extract an order list from a BOM of a PCB for example 😉
Comparing 2 Modelsim wave traces
Comparing the wave traces of 2 different simulations in Modelsim is quite easy.
Medical implants vs security
Wow, it seems electronic medical implants still have a long way to go when it comes to device security. This paper describes hacking a pacemaker/defib implant. The authors were able to deliver ‘test defib shocks’ using simple replay attacks of recorded communication sequences between an implant and the commercial programmer.
Enable tab completion in Windows terminal
To enable tab completion in a command terminal on Windows, perform the following steps: Open regedit (Start->Run->’regedit’) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Set the value for the key CompletionCharacter to 9
Outlook email blank subject warning
Ever now and so often, it happens that I forget filling in the mail subject when composing an email in Outlook (typically when I have to send a rather important email…). Save yourself the annoyance by following the next steps.
Writing out a decimal value as a hex string
A function to convert a decimal value to a hex string.
Automatically mounting USB drives on Mac OS X
When plugging in an external USB drive on Mac OS X, it gets nicely mounted under /Volumes and appears on your desktop. However, since I use my MAC mini as Slimserver machine for my squeezebox, I want this automount also to happen after boot, before a user is logged in. This seems not to be…