Tag: Electronics

  • Self-powered wireless ambient light sensor

    Since some time, the window blinds in our home are automatically controlled. When the sun rises they go up, at sunset they are closed. To determine the correct time for the blind commands, I’ve written a mix of Perl scripts. There exists a handy Perl module to calculate sunrise/sunset based on the date and your…

  • Ethernet connected PIC: the NetNode

    I’ve designed a circuit with a PIC that has ethernet connectivity. The plan is to use this as a basis for a home automation system. Prototype boards have been running for over a year now to monitor our ventilation system and our solar heating installation.

  • DCF controlled time switch

    I needed a way to automatically control the main heating of my parents house. The basic idea is to start the heating at a certain time in the morning, and to switch it off at night. The switching points are different on various weekdays. Of course, I could have bought a time switch. However, those…

  • BoostC compiler libraries

    Introduction On this page you can download some interface libraries to use with the BoostC compiler. After long years of assembly PIC programming, I finally moved on to a C compiler for faster development and easier code reuse.