I’ve designed a circuit with a PIC that has ethernet connectivity. The plan is to use this as a basis for a home automation system. Prototype boards have been running for over a year now to monitor our ventilation system and our solar heating installation.
The finalized board looks like this:
And with components mounted:
The board is based around a Microchip PIC18F2320 and a Lantronix XPORT.
A first application that is currently running as a prototype at home is a networked temperature logger to monitor the performance of the ventilation system in our low-energy house. The results of the temperature measurements are show here (Dutch page).
This node will also be the basis for the further development of a home automation system that allows steering lights, blinds, heating, ….
Available documentation:
- [download#3#nohits] : some more info on how to interface to the NetNode with NetTemp firmware.
The design and software can be downloaded from my google code repository or using direct SVN access at http://hasy.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/netnode/hardware